Family Owned Since 1971

Floating Docks

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Floating Dock Systems

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Municipal

ShoreMaster Floating Dock Systems set the industry standard in terms of stability, reliability and ease of ownership.

Premium Floating Dock Systems

Fluctuating Water Solution
ShoreMaster floating dock systems provide hassle free adaptation to fluctuating water levels and allows for dock installation in deep water situations.

PolyDock Benefits

Firm Walking Surface
The attractive herringbone brick pattern is supported underneath by hundreds of kiss-offs that create and incredibly firm, non-spongy walking surface so PolyDock not only looks premium, but feels premium.

Premium Stability
PolyDock offers premium stability that you’ll feel throughout the entire dock system. You’ll instantly notice that each part of the PolyDock system works in unison, from the dock sections, to the connectors, to the pipe brackets to provide superior stability.

Easy to Own
A PolyDock system provides you with minimal maintenance, so you’ll never need to paint, stain or replace warped dock boards again. And because it’s a floating dock, you won’t need to constantly adjust your dock height due to changing water levels.