Family Owned Since 1971

Wheel-In Docks

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Wheel-In Dock Systems

Premium components and precision welded construction make ShoreMaster Infinity Dock Systems the industry standard in terms of design and performance. Our wheel-in systems utilize premium, rotationally molded poly tires for superior stability and portability. Plus, our welded aluminum construction and QC frame system provide the fastest, easiest installation and removal. And standard on all Infinity Dock Systems are features like 5-Sided Dock Legs, QuickConnect Accessories, recessed, removable deck panels, 9 premium decking options, and more.

Quick, Easy Installation & Adjustments
Premium poly tires, Infinity frame connections, and lightweight aluminum dime-welded construction all provide for the quick, easy installation of your wheel-in dock system. Plus our screw legs allow for easy height adjustments for fluctuating water, while standing on top of the dock.

Industry Leading Strength
ShoreMaster offers two styles of wheel-in dock systems – the Infinity RS7 and Infinity TS9 – both of which feature superior strength and durability. Designed and built to withstand the rigors of seasonal installation and use – the Infinity RS7 features an industry-leading 6-3/4” rail side, while the Infinity TS9 utilizes a 9” continuous truss side for premium performance.

Easy Customization Options
Our wheel-in dock systems provide the ultimate in performance and aesthetics while also being easy to install and remove. 9 premium, low-maintenance decking options mean your dock system can truly fit your style and aesthetic needs.  Plus, the ShoreMaster InfinityTrack accessory system allows for hassle-free installation and configuration of dock accessories for a completely personalized dock experience.

Superior Strength and Usability at the Waterfront

With an Infinity Dock System wheel-in system you’ll enjoy easy seasonal installation and removal, superior stability and performance as well as low-maintenance ownership. All ShoreMaster Infinity Dock systems utilize precision welded aluminum frames and Infinity frame connections for a lightweight wheel-in dock with industry-leading strength and stability. Exclusive features like 5-Sided Dock Legs, 18” leg pockets, 9 premium decking options, dime-welded construction, and more provide premium performance and durability you can rely on season-after-season.